The Quiet Dutch Giant Powering the AI Revolution: Don’t Underestimate the Netherlands

Thomas Bury
9 min readJun 30, 2024


Image made by AI and prompted by Author

The world of Generative AI (GenAI) is abuzz with potential. From creating new materials to crafting personalized learning experiences, GenAI promises to revolutionize countless industries. However, after recently diving deep into GenAI use cases, I discovered some hidden roadblocks hindering its full potential. In upcoming posts, we’ll explore these challenges in detail, but for now, let’s focus on one critical hurdle: inference speed.

The most powerful, production-ready GenAI models, ironically, are often the slowest. Imagine trying to use a revolutionary new tool, and finding it too slow and cumbersome — that’s the current reality for some GenAI applications. This bottleneck led me down a fascinating rabbit hole, exploring companies like Grop and Etched, and ultimately uncovering the complex web of geopolitics and technology that underpins the very chips powering the AI revolution.

The bustling world of technology rarely whispers about the Netherlands. Yet, this small European nation is quietly shaping the future of AI, wielding immense power through an unassuming champion: ASML.

The Generative AI Boom: Fueled by Tiny Dutch Giants and Hundred Million-Dollar Machines

Generative AI has exploded onto the scene, with tools like ChatGPT rewriting the rules of content creation and natural language processing. But this revolution requires more than just code — it needs serious muscle under the hood. The culprit? The immense computational power demanded by these AI superstars.

High-performance GPUs and specialized chips, like ASICs, are the fuel powering these AI engines. Companies like NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel are leading the charge in building these graphical workhorses. But the story doesn’t end there.

Creating these intricate chips relies on a marvel of engineering known as an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography machine. Imagine a machine so precise it can etch circuits thousands of times smaller than a human hair — that’s the magic of EUV.

Here’s where our quiet Dutch giant steps in, ASML. This company has practically cornered the market for these EUV machines, the unsung heroes crafting the chips that drive cutting-edge AI. Think about it — the self-driving cars and the lightning-fast fraud detection systems in finance. All are powered by these tiny, unbelievably precise chips made possible by ASML’s ingenuity.

But there’s a catch — these machines are no pocket change. We’re talking a cool $150 million per unit! Their astronomical price tag reflects the mind-blowing complexity involved. However, the payoff is undeniable — increased chip performance, efficient power usage, and ultimately, the continued advancement of AI.

Without ASML, the dream of a fully realized GenAI revolution would be a distant hope. So, as AI continues to infiltrate every corner of our lives, the demand for these chips — and consequently, for ASML’s machines — is only going to skyrocket. This is a story where cutting-edge technology meets high-stakes geopolitics, and the quiet Dutch giant sits right at the center of it all.

The Quiet Titan: ASML and the Netherlands’ as Arbiter in the US vs. China Chip Race

The world of economic giants often conjures images of bustling metropolises and sprawling factories. But nestled in the quaint Dutch town of Veldhoven (population: 45,500) lies a quiet powerhouse: ASML. This unassuming company has become the undisputed king of chipmaking, wielding immense influence on global trade and technology.

From Humble Beginnings to Chipmaking Supremacy

ASML’s rise is a story of strategic brilliance and relentless innovation. Their crown jewel? Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography systems — the most advanced chipmaking machines on Earth. Imagine lasers etching patterns thousands of times smaller than a human hair — that’s the magic behind these marvels of engineering. These intricate patterns create the circuits that power everything from smartphones to the sophisticated systems driving our infrastructure.

As technology races forward, the demand for smaller, faster, and more efficient chips explodes. Here’s where ASML steps in. Their EUV machines are the key to unlocking these cutting-edge chips, making them the go-to partner for tech titans like Intel, Samsung, and TSMC. Without ASML, these giants wouldn’t be able to maintain their competitive edge.

The Netherlands: A Chipmaking Goliath in Disguise

The Netherlands, a nation of just 19 million, has become a global force in chipmaking, all thanks to ASML. This tiny nation punches well above its weight, ranking among the world’s top exporters. Their secret sauce? A potent mix of innovation, technological prowess, and strategic thinking.

But this dominance hasn’t gone unnoticed. Superpowers like China and the US recognize the strategic value of ASML’s technology. Both nations are vying for influence, highlighting the critical role the Netherlands plays in the global chip supply chain. This geopolitical dance showcases the immense power wielded by ASML, and by extension, the Netherlands.

Navigating a Delicate Dance: Geopolitics and the Chip Crown

The Netherlands’ position as a chipmaking leader places them in the center of a complex geopolitical chess game. Striking a balance between maintaining their technological edge and political independence is crucial. Their strategy? Carefully cultivate relationships with both China and the US, ensuring they remain a trusted partner to all while protecting national interests.

The Future: A Dutch Dynasty in Chipmaking?

As the world’s dependence on advanced chips grows, the Netherlands’ role becomes even more critical. ASML’s continued success and the nation’s ability to nurture its technological leadership will have a profound impact on the global economic landscape. The key for the Netherlands lies in unwavering dedication to innovation, robust education systems, and strategic foresight. They must also master the art of navigating geopolitical complexities, where technological dominance is intricately linked to national security and economic power.

The Global Chip Game: A Power Play for Technological Supremacy

The global tech landscape is witnessing fierce competition for dominance in semiconductors, the tiny brains behind all our modern devices. Recognizing this criticality, both the United States and the European Union have enacted landmark legislation — the US CHIPS Act and the EU Chips Act. These initiatives aim to supercharge domestic semiconductor manufacturing through hefty investments, research programs, and strategic collaborations.

This intense focus on chip production underscores the undeniable truth: semiconductors are the lifeblood of technological leadership and economic security. ASML, the Dutch giant we encountered earlier, sits at the heart of this power struggle. Their state-of-the-art EUV lithography machines are the cornerstones, enabling the creation of the next generation of ever-smaller, more powerful chips.

The Netherlands, with its strategic advantage in chipmaking thanks to ASML, has a golden opportunity. By carefully navigating this geopolitical chess game, this small nation can solidify its position as a quiet, yet formidable, force in the global economy. Veldhoven, the unassuming Dutch town that houses ASML, stands as a testament to the power of innovation, strategic thinking, and the ability of a seemingly insignificant player to become a giant in the world of technology.

Unlocking the Future: The Revolutionary 1.6nm Microchip Technology and Intel’s Disruptive Plan

The world of technology is on the precipice of a revolution, driven by the groundbreaking 1.6nm microchip technology. This isn’t just about smaller chips; it’s about unlocking entirely new possibilities. Remember ASML, the Dutch giant we discussed earlier? Their EUV lithography machines, crucial for creating these 1.6nm chips, are a prime example of the cutting-edge technology needed.

A Quantum Leap in Power and Efficiency

The transition from current 7nm and 5nm technologies to 1.6nm represents a massive leap forward. Imagine packing an unprecedented number of transistors — the tiny building blocks of a chip — into a single, compact package. This translates to a significant boost in power and a dramatic reduction in energy consumption. Think about the impact on AI applications discussed before. With 1.6nm chips, AI systems could become even more powerful and efficient, unlocking new possibilities in areas like facial recognition, natural language processing, and even self-driving cars.

Overcoming Miniaturization Hurdles

Shrinking transistors to this scale isn’t easy. One major challenge is power delivery. As we saw with ASML’s EUV machines, innovative solutions are needed. Backside power delivery, where power is supplied from the back of the chip, is a game-changer. It separates power delivery from signal routing, allowing for efficient and localized power distribution, and minimizing energy loss and heat generation. This not only improves performance but also enables sleeker device designs — imagine foldable phones that are even thinner and more durable.

Intel’s Bold Move: Embracing the Disruption

Industry leader Intel is well aware of the transformative potential of 1.6nm technology, both as an opportunity and a challenge. Their response is a testament to their adaptability. Remember how ASML’s dominance has caught the attention of global superpowers? This race for chip supremacy extends to chip design and manufacturing as well.

Staying Ahead of the Curve: Intel’s Roadmap

Intel has made 1.6nm a core part of its long-term strategy. They’re heavily invested in R&D, ensuring they remain at the forefront. This includes developing new fabrication facilities, optimizing existing processes, and exploring futuristic techniques like direct self-assembly.

Beyond 1.6nm: The Promise of Direct Self-Assembly

While 1.6nm is a significant leap, the industry is already looking beyond. Direct self-assembly, a revolutionary approach using self-assembling molecules to create chip patterns, offers exciting possibilities. This could significantly streamline manufacturing and create even smaller, more intricate chip designs.

Imagine the impact on generative AI (GenAI) discussed earlier. With these advanced chips, GenAI models could become even more powerful, and capable of generating even more creative and realistic content. The potential applications are vast, from personalized learning experiences to revolutionary advancements in drug discovery.

The 1.6nm revolution might be a pivotal moment, just like ASML’s dominance in chipmaking, or it might come from better architectures or materials rather than smaller transistors.

As industry leaders like Intel navigate this exciting yet challenging landscape, the impact will be felt across every aspect of our lives. From artificial intelligence to consumer electronics, the possibilities are endless. We stand at the precipice of a future powered by these tiny titans, where computing seamlessly integrates into everything we do. The future is bright, and the relentless pursuit of innovation will continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible.

But the story doesn’t end there. Remember our journey down the rabbit hole — Groq and Etched? These companies represent the next frontier in the AI revolution — the race to optimize how these powerful chips are used.

The Competitive Edge: Groq and Etched in the AI Inference Arena

While ASML manufactures the jewels (the chips), companies like Groq and Etched are locked in a fierce battle to design the most efficient throne room (the hardware that gets the most out of the chips). Imagine having a state-of-the-art sports car, but needing to figure out how to optimize the engine and transmission to unleash its full potential. That’s what Groq and Etched are doing for AI.

Groq: The Specialist Speedster

Groq, a young but ambitious player, takes a specialized approach. Their GroqChip is built for one thing: blazing-fast, low-latency AI inference. Think self-driving cars or real-time financial analysis — applications that require split-second decision-making. Their single-core architecture and deterministic execution are like a finely tuned racing engine, prioritizing speed and predictability.

Etched: The Modular Maestro

Etched, on the other hand, is all about versatility. Their modular architecture allows for customization, making their AI hardware adaptable to a wider range of needs. Imagine a high-performance engine that can be swapped between a race car and a luxury sedan. Etched caters to diverse environments, from edge computing to data centers, while keeping an eye on energy efficiency — a crucial factor in our sustainability-conscious world.

The Future of AI Inference: A Symphony of Innovation

The emergence of Groq and Etched paints a vivid picture of the future of AI inference. It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather a symphony of innovation, with different players specializing in their areas of expertise. Whether it’s the raw speed of Groq or the adaptable efficiency of Etched, these companies are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

The choice for businesses and developers will depend on their specific needs. Do they require the lightning-fast processing power of Groq or the customizable, sustainable solutions offered by Etched? Ultimately, the combined efforts of these companies, along with the chipmaking giants like ASML, will shape the future of AI, unlocking its potential and propelling us toward a future brimming with innovation.

Conclusion: A Symphony of Innovation Shaping the Future of AI

The 1.6nm revolution, pioneered by titans like ASML, lays the foundation for a future powered by ever-smaller, more powerful chips. But the true magic unfolds when these chips are put to work by innovative companies like Groq and Etched.

The AI inference landscape isn’t a static field — it’s a dynamic symphony of innovation. Groq, the high-performance virtuoso, delivers lightning-fast, low-latency processing for real-time applications. Etched, the modular maestro, conducts a diverse orchestra with its customizable AI hardware, optimizing performance for various environments while prioritizing sustainability.

This collaborative approach underscores the future of AI inference. It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, but a powerful chorus where specialists like Groq and Etched combine their strengths. Businesses and developers will have a thrilling choice: the raw speed of Groq or the adaptable efficiency of Etched. Ultimately, these innovators, along with the chipmaking giants, will orchestrate the future of AI, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and unlocking a future brimming with groundbreaking advancements.



Thomas Bury

Physicist by passion and training, Data Scientist and MLE for a living (it's fun too), interdisciplinary by conviction.